May 9, 2024

Discover the History of Dental Veneers

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_khokhar @ 11:58 pm

Woman at dentist for porcelain veneersPorcelain veneers are among the top cosmetic dental procedures sought year after year. Although they’ve only gained popularity over the last couple of decades, they aren’t a new treatment. In fact, veneers have been used since the 1920s. However, they weren’t as successful and natural-looking as the veneers used nowadays. Here’s how veneers have changed over time to create the dazzling results achieved today.

Early Dental Veneers

Charles Pincus, a California dentist, created the first veneers in 1928 to improve an actor’s smile for a film shoot. They were crafted from an acrylic material and applied to the front surfaces of teeth using a temporary adhesive. Although they were effective, they only lasted for a couple of hours. As a result, Dr. Pincus offered his dental services on-set.

Porcelain and composite veneers became the preferred choices in the 1930s. They provide more natural-looking results using biocompatible materials. Although they offered more aesthetic benefits, they still didn’t last long.

It wasn’t until a unique etching method was developed using a weak acid. It opens the pores in enamel to create a stronger bonding surface. Improvements to dental cement, along with etching, allow veneers to last for 10 years or more with the correct care, like brushing and flossing.

Porcelain Veneers of Today

Previously, veneers were reserved for the rich and famous because they were very expensive. However, they are now an affordable solution to fix many cosmetic imperfections at once, like stains, chips, and gaps. 

Modern veneers are thinner than ever, which allows less enamel to be removed during the preparation process. This makes the procedure less invasive. When combined with etching and strong bonding materials, veneers can last for decades. 

State-of-the-art technology has also changed dental veneers. Digital impressions and computer-aided design allow a veneer to fit a tooth like a glove. Computer-aided manufacturing removes any room for error to ensure the best results. 

Invest in a Stunning Smile Today

You don’t have to undergo complex or lengthy dental procedures to achieve the smile of your dreams. Veneers are a great solution to fix many issues simultaneously.

You’ll first need a consultation with a cosmetic dentist to ensure they are right for you. It’s not uncommon to need a little prep work, like a dental cleaning or gum disease therapy. Your dentist will then etch your teeth and make an impression of your mouth. They’ll attach temporary veneers while the dental lab crafts your permanent restorations. In a couple of weeks, you’ll be ready to have your porcelain veneers bonded to your teeth. You’ll walk out with a flawless, confident smile that can last for years.

About Dr. Arindam Kakkar

Dr. Kakkar earned his dental degree at the NYU College of Dentistry and has continued his education to provide the most up-to-date services, including porcelain veneers. He embraces the latest techniques and technologies to create healthy, beautiful smiles. Request an appointment through his website or call his office at (908) 850-0005.

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